Car Tinting Provides 5 Important Benefits For Whatever You Drive

Car Tinting Provides 5 Important Benefits For Whatever You Drive - Automotive Window Tinting in Fort Collins, Colorado

We recently came across an article in Times Square Chronicles called “5 Important Benefits of Car Tint“. Most people consider window tint because they like the appearance of tinted windows. However, there are 5 additional benefits of car tinting most people do not think about, so we wanted to summarize them below.

5 Car Tinting Benefits
    • Increase Privacy & Security – Vehicle window tint comes in various light transmission ranges to provide the top level of privacy to you and your passengers on the road. At the same time, it provides the security from the thieves looking to rob valuables from vehicles. It prevents them from seeing your belongings in the parking lot and other areas where cars stay for a longer period of time.
    • Reduces UV Ray Exposure – UV rays can damage your skin and increases the chances of skin cancer. It can also lead to the myriad of health problems such as sunburn, premature aging, damage to skin, suppression of immune system, etc. Vehicle window tint can help with this by preventing 99% of UV rays from entering the vehicle to damage your skin.
    • Keep Vehicle Interiors Cool & Comfortable – When the sun beats down through your vehicle’s windows, it can heat the interior of your automobile quickly. On a 70 degree day, the temperature inside your vehicle can easily rise to over 100 degrees in a brief period of time. Automobile window tint can noticeably reduce this heat entering through the glass. In fact, automotive window tint can lessen heat coming through the glass by as much as 70 percent! The result will be that you can be more comfortable every time you get into your vehicle and you may even reduce your gas consumption as a result of using the air conditioning less frequently. In addition, window tinting also reduces glare to lessen eye fatigue from direct sun rays and shiny headlights at night.
    • Shattered Glass Prevention & Protection – There are numerous benefits for the car tinting which you might not have considered. Window film is designed in such a way that if the glass shatters, it will keep it in one piece rather than many individual shards. In an accident, not having broken flying shards of glass flying through the vehicle can help prevent injuries.
    • Sun Damage Protection of Interiors – As mentioned above, tinting windows typically rejects 99% of the sun’s UV rays and heat. This protection from the sun helps protect vehicle interiors from fading, cracks and warping of interior surfaces to keep your automobiles looking newer longer.

We hope this article gave you some additional reasons other than improved looks to consider car tinting. If you would like more information, click HERE. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, you can reach us directly by calling 970-690-8444 or 303-776-1109. We would be happy to discuss your options and provide you with a free, no obligation assessment and quotation on your particular vehicle. We are located in Fort Collins, Colorado and are the #1 source for vehicle window tinting in the Fort Collins, Colorado, and Loveland area.

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